
Welcome to Scouts BSA Troop 709B!

"Be Prepared"

- Life Resilience - Personal Confidence - Team Leadership - Teamwork - Good Citizenship - Critical Thinking Skills - Broad Based  Knowledge - Survival - Lifelong Friendships -


 “The mission of the Boy Scouts of America is to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law.” 


Scouts BSA Troop 709B, Ashland, VA

Est. 2017 

Scouts BSA 709 Scouts are chartered by 

First Baptist Church Ashland

800 Thompson St, Ashland, VA 23005.  


Our Troops serve the communities of 

central and western Hanover County Virginia and beyond.




We meet every Tuesday evening at 7:00 p.m.

in Ellis Hall on the north entrance of the building.

Weather permitting, we prefer to meet outside!


First Baptist Church also sponsors a female Troop,

Scouts BSA Troop 709G 

you may visit their site at:


Guests are always welcome at our troop meetings!


Are you new to Scouting and curious about what Scouting is all about?

Or a graduating Cub Scout who is searching for a Troop to continue the Scouting experience?

Are you already involved in Scouting and looking for an active Troop with an "old school" focus on mastery of outdoor skills?  

Then we invite you to visit us at a Tuesday meeting or use the "Contact Us" link in the bar at left.  

We are excited to speak with you and our Scouts are always welcoming visitors and new Scouts!


Our Adult Leadership Team is excited and committed to our Scouting program, and we understand that while the program is Scout Led it is still important to be Adult Mentored.  As Adult Leaders, we strive every day to Do Our Best to be positive models in mentorship, leadership, conduct, Scouting skills and knowledge, and emotional and spiritual nourishment that our young people need to grow into strong citizens and leaders. 

We challenge our Scouts in many ways with the goal of building life resilience and strength of character.



Interested in Scouting for 1st through 5th grade boys and girls?

Click on “Contact Us” on the left bar to have one of our leaders contact you to answer your questions!



Posted on Jan 23 2025 - 11:15am

2026 National Jamboree, Summit Bechtel Reserve, WV - July 22-31, 2026

For more information click on the link below.

2026 National Jamboree

709B and 709G - SUMMER CAMP 2025!

Posted on Jan 16 2025 - 5:48pm

709B and 709G will be going to Camp Powhatan June 22 - 28, 2025.

Troops will be sending out more information soon!

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